商品描述:針織毛圈絨布 Knitted terry flannelette; T/C針織色布/毛圈織物; 針織印花毛圈布 Knitted printed terry cloth; 棉滌針織毛圈布 CVC 80/20 CTN/POLY BABY TERRY; 棉制針織或鉤編的毛圈絨頭織物 Terry pile fabric, knitted or crocheted, of cotton; 電腦提花毛圈 Computer jacquard terry; 針織天鵝絨布,毛圈; 棉混紡針織色織布 1425.34YDS 76%COTTON 24%POLY; 棉制針織毛圈絨頭織物 Cotton knitting terry pile fabric; 棉滌針織毛圈布,80%COTTON 20%POLY TERRY 65“; 棉氨綸針織染色毛圈布 Cotton spandex knitted dyed terry cloth; 雙面毛巾 Reversible towel; 毛圈布GREIGE CLOTH; 棉羊絨單面布 Cotton cashmere single-sided cloth; 全棉汗布,針織,毛圈絨頭; 粗針毛圈布 Coarse needle terry cloth; 75%棉25%滌針織面料 75%C25%P KNITTED FABRIC; 針織法式毛巾布 Knitted French terry cloth; 棉制毛圈絨頭織物針織,毛圈.; 浴巾坯布 Bath towel grey cloth; 棉滌綸毛圈針織漂白布 Cotton polyester terry knitted bleached cloth; 全棉毛圈 7488YDS; 迷你毛圈布 Mini terry cloth; 棉滌針織毛圈布 CVC 80/20 BABY TERRY; 棉滌針織毛圈布 Cotton polyester knitting terry cloth; 棉制針織毛圈彈力染色布 Cotton knitting terry elastic dyed cloth; 棉制針織毛絨布 Cotton knitting plush cloth; 棉制毛圈布 Cotton terry cloth; 魚鱗小毛圈布 Fish scale small terry cloth; 棉制毛圈布 18ROLLS; 雙面毛巾布 Double face terry cloth; 60“毛巾布; 棉染色起絨針織布 Cotton dyed pile knitted fabric; 棉氨綸毛圈絨頭布 Cotton spandex terry pile cloth; 針織棉混紡布/毛巾布; 毛圈布 Terry cloth; 棉制毛巾布 Cotton terry cloth; 棉滌綸毛圈絨頭針織布定型 Setting of cotton polyester terry pile knitted fabric; 天鵝絨,針織,毛圈; 條圈絨 Corduroy; 純棉毛巾布 Cotton terry cloth; 針織染色毛圈布 Knitted dyed terry cloth; 針織毛圈絨面料,無品牌。; 全棉針織布 100%COTTON; 棉制針織毛圈起絨布 Cotton knitting terry flannelette; 毛巾布 Terry cloth; 雙面毛圈毛巾布 Double terry terry towel; 純棉無捻毛巾 Cotton Twistless Towels; 棉毛圈針織胚布 Cotton terry knitted germ cloth; 棉滌粘膠毛圈布 Cotton polyester viscose terry cloth; 混紡針織毛巾布/0.25-0.45KG/米; 緯編毛巾布 Weft knitted terry cloth; 棉滌綸混紡針織坯布/起絨; 針織毛巾布 Knitted terry cloth; 100%棉毛巾布; 素色割絨毛巾布 Plain cut terry cloth; 棉拉舍爾面料 Cotton Raschel; [深]棉混紡針織染整絨布; 針織彩條天鵝絨 Knitted colorful velvet; 棉滌綸毛圈針織印花布 Cotton polyester terry knitted printed fabric; 全棉染色針織毛圈布 Cotton dyed knitting terry cloth; C60%T40%棉制針織絨布; 棉制染色針織魚鱗布 Cotton dyed knitted fish scale cloth; 60“棉毛巾布/棉滌綸; 針織毛圈布 Knitted terry cloth; 全棉針織半漂布 100% cotton knitted semi bleached cloth; 棉滌針織毛圈布 80/20 CTTN/POLY LOOP TERRY; 起圈絨 Loop down; 棉制針織毛圈絨頭布 Cotton knitting terry pile cloth; 全棉汗布,針織; 全棉2X2羅紋面料100%C 2X2 RIB SOLID; 印花大毛圈布 Printed terry cloth; 棉針織毛圈布定型 Setting of cotton knitting terry cloth; 棉制色織針織面料 Cotton yarn dyed knitted fabric; 針織布 Knitted fabric; 混紡毛巾布 Blended terry cloth; 毛圍布 Wool shroud; 針織棉絨布 Knitted cotton flannelette; 單面毛巾布 Single face terry cloth; 棉滌綸毛圈針織布 Cotton polyester terry knitted fabric; 針織天鵝絨,毛圈,155CM; 棉混紡針織色布 Cotton blended knitted color cloth; 全棉針織毛圈布,無品牌; 棉滌針織布 Cotton polyester knitted fabric; 毛圈針織布 12845.89碼; 棉滌圓繩毛圈 Cotton polyester round rope terry; 燈芯絨44“; 針織染色布 Knitted dyed cloth; 棉制針織毛圈布 Cotton knitting terry cloth; 棉混紡針織毛圈布/2-6M/KG; 毛腈針織絨布 Wool nitrile knitted flannelette; 棉制針織毛圈布,無牌; CVC毛巾布 TERRY CLOTH; 針織絨布 Knitted flannelette; 棉混紡針織胚布/毛圈織物; 毛圈布 32304.5YDS FABRIC; 經編毛巾布 Warp knitted terry cloth; 棉針織布 Cotton knitted fabric; 棉起絨針織布 Cotton pile knitted fabric; T/C針織胚布/毛圈織物; 棉滌針織彩條毛圈布 Cotton polyester knitting color terry cloth; 毛圈針織布 Terry knitted fabric; 針織服裝面料 Knitted clothing fabric; 75%棉25%滌絨布; 100%棉針織布料11694.7YDS; 95%棉5%氨綸魚鱗布; 彈力平絨坯布 Stretch flannelette; 棉混紡針織布/毛圈織物; 全棉毛巾坯布 Cotton terry cloth; 全棉毛巾漂白布 Cotton towel bleached cloth; 什色針織棉毛巾布.; 全棉梭織毛巾布 Cotton woven terry cloth; 印花小毛圈布 Printed small terry cloth; 全棉針織毛圈布 100%C FRENCH TERRY; 針織天鵝絨 Knitted velvet; 65%棉30%滌綸5%氨綸毛圈; 棉混紡針織色布/毛圈織物; 有機棉毛巾 Organic cotton towel; 毛圈布印花 Terry printing; 混紡針織絨 Blended knitting velvet; 全棉毛圈布,針織; 75棉25滌針織毛圈絨頭織物; 100%棉魚鱗針織布; 針織靛藍毛圈布 Knitted indigo terry cloth; 全棉剪絨布 Cotton cut flannelette; 棉滌綸人纖毛圈針織染色布N1/12“; CVC毛圈布; 棉制針織毛圈拉絨布 Cotton knitting terry flannelette; 滌棉毛圈布 Polyester cotton terry cloth; 棉混紡針織毛巾布 Cotton blended knitted terry cloth; 棉滌綸混紡針織毛巾布.; 棉滌綸毛圈針織染色布 Cotton polyester terry knitted dyed cloth; 棉制毛圈布32ROLLS; 染色毛巾布,針織; 棉滌綸混紡毛圈絨頭針織色織布E3; 腈綸針織絨 Acrylic knitting pile; 純棉針織毛圈染色布 Cotton knitting terry dyed cloth; 60%棉/40%滌綸針織布; 棉滌針織彩條毛圈布 CVC 80/20 CTN/POLY BABY TERRY; 棉制毛圈針織布 Cotton terry knitted fabric; 棉制針織絨布 Cotton knitting flannelette; 拉毛絨布 Brushed flannelette; 60“全棉毛巾布; 毛巾刷毛布 Towel brush cloth; 棉制針織起絨布,割絨。 Cotton knitted flannelette, cut flannelette.; 羅紋布 Rib; 毛圈織物 Terry fabric; 棉制針織氨綸毛圈布 Cotton knitting spandex terry cloth; 全棉羅紋,針織; 針織毛圈面料 Knitted terry fabric; CVC天鵝絨; 棉滌制小毛圈 Cotton polyester small terry; 80%棉20%滌綸針織毛巾布; 染色全棉毛圈針織布/面料; 混紡針織毛巾布 Blended knitted terry cloth; 棉針織毛圈絨頭織物 Cotton knitted terry pile fabric; 60英寸棉紡毛巾; 全棉毛圈印花 1854YDS; 棉滌針織印花毛圈布 CVC 80/20 CTN/POLY BABY TERRY; 75/25針織布,針織,毛圈; 純毛針織絨 Pure wool knitting wool; 全棉針織布 All cotton knitted fabric; 抽條毛巾布 Stripped terry cloth; 棉制針織毛圈織物 Cotton knitting terry fabric; 全棉2X2羅紋 6288YDS; 棉滌毛圈布 Cotton polyester terry cloth; 棉制針織布100%COTTON KNITTED FABRIC; 針織起絨布 Knitted flannelette; 棉尼龍毛圈針織染色布 Cotton nylon terry knitted dyed cloth; 棉制針織毛巾布 Cotton knitted terry cloth; 全棉針織絨 All cotton knitting velvet; 純棉針織布 Pure cotton knitted fabric; 色織毛巾布 Yarn dyed terry cloth; 染色95%棉5%氨綸針織毛圈布; 天鵝絨 Velvet; 圈毛 Ringed hair; 全棉針織毛圈布 Cotton knitting terry cloth; 色織針織布 Yarn dyed knitted fabric; 毛巾針織布 Terry knitted fabric; 針織毛圈布 FABRIC,針織,毛圈,門幅:160CM.; 毛圈織物,針織,毛圈; 滌綸針織天鵝絨布 Polyester knitted velvet; 剪毛布FABRICS,品牌:BODET&HORST; 全棉毛圈布 Cotton terry cloth; 棉滌毛巾布 Cotton polyester terry cloth; 彩條毛巾布 Colored towel cloth; 滌棉針織毛圈絨頭織布 Polyester cotton knitting terry pile fabric; 棉紡針織色布毛圈織物 Cotton knitted colored terry fabric; 方格毛巾布 Checkered terry cloth; 70%棉30%滌綸臺車刷毛布; 染色棉毛圈針織布/面料; 棉滌綸毛圈針織色織布 Cotton polyester terry knitted yarn dyed fabric; 棉針織毛圈絨布 Cotton knitting terry flannelette