Dear XX,
Thank you for contacting us about the defective products.感謝您跟我們溝通關于瑕疵產品的事。
We are truly sorry that the items you received did not function as promised. 對于您收到這樣的產品我們感到非常抱歉。
We understand your anger and disappointment, and seriously apologize for any inconvenience it may have brought to you.我們完全能理解您的憤怒和失望,并對由此給您造成的不便再次抱歉。
Before we ship any products, it undergoes several stages of quality checks. It is our intention to provide only the highest quality items to our clients, and we regret that the products you received slipped past our quality measures.任何一款產品裝船前,我們都會進行多輪質量檢查。因為我們想要的只是給客戶最好的產品,然而仍然有少量質量不過關的產品被寄過去,我們深感遺憾。
We have gone ahead and shipped you some new XX, which should arrive at your specified address in XX business days. When you receive it, please return the defective items for routine check-up, so we know how it happened to avoid such problems in the coming orders.目前我們已經給您寄去一批新的產品,應該會在XX個工作日到達您制定的地點。當您收到貨物的時候,煩請將瑕疵商品寄回,以便我們再次檢查。這樣我們就能找出原因,并在接下來的生產中避免再次發生類似情形。
We understand that sales is a time-sensitive matter, and will be offering you a $1.2 off in your next purchase in hopes of compensating for the inconvenience.我們知道對于銷售而言時間很重要,因此為了補償您,我們愿意在您下次購買時給與1.2美元的折扣。
Thank you again for bringing this issue to our attention—please feel free to contact with any further concerns.再次感謝您告知我們這個問題——有事請隨時與我聯系。