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2024-01-05 16:25:13




I hope you had a good weekend.周末過得怎么樣,希望你度過了一個愉快的周末。

I hope you had a great trip.希望你的旅行很愉快。

Hope you had a nice break.希望你度過了一個輕松的假期。

I hope you are well.希望你一切都好。

I hope all is well.一切都好,希望如此。

Hope you're enjoying your holiday.希望你正在享受你的假期。

I hope this email finds you well.希望這封郵件找到你時一切都好。

I hope you enjoyed the event.希望你玩得開心。

I'm glad we had a chance to chat at the convention.很高興我們在會議上有機會聊天。

It was great to see you on Thursday.周四見到你很高興。

It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday.昨天很高興見到你。

I hope you had a good weekend. I wanted to follow up on our conversation last Friday about the upcoming project launch.希望你度過了一個愉快的周末。我想跟進上周五我們關于即將啟動的項目的對話。

It was great to see you on Thursday at the industry conference. I enjoyed our discussion about emerging technologies in the field. Looking forward to staying in touch.周四在行業會議上見到你很高興。我享受了我們關于該領域新興技術的討論。期待保持聯系。

It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday at the networking event. I appreciated hearing your insights on the market trends we talked about. Let's keep the conversation going.昨天在與你在網絡上溝通很高興。感謝你對我們討論的市場趨勢的見解。讓我們繼續對話。


I am writing to you about our last meeting/ your presentation yesterday /our next event.我寫信給你是關于我們上次的會議/你昨天的演講/我們的下一個活動。

I am writing to you with regards to/regarding/ concerning / in connection with...我寫信給你是關于/關于/關于/與...有關。

I am writing to ask/ enquire/let you know/ confirm/ check /invite you to/to update you on/ask for a favo... .我寫信給你是詢問/了解/讓你知道/確認/檢查/邀請你參加/更新你關于...的信息。

I am writing you to follow up 0n...我寫信給你是跟進...

I am contacting you to inform...我聯系你是通知...

I am reaching out because..我聯系你是因為在...方面需要幫助。

This is just a quick note to...這只是一封簡短的便條,提醒你...

This is just a quick reminder...這只是一個簡單的提醒...

I wanted to let you know that...我想讓你知道...

Might I take a moment of your time to... (very formal)我可以占用你一點時間嗎?(非常正式)

It's [Your Name] from [Your Company].這是[你的名字]來自[你的公司]。

This email is just to let you know that...這封郵件只是想讓你知道...

I am writing to you to follow up on the presentation you gave yesterday on digital transformation. I found your points on customer engagement very insightful.我寫信給你是跟進你昨天關于數字化轉型的演講。我覺得你在客戶參與方面的點子非常有見地。

I am contacting you regarding the next quarterly update meeting for our partnership project. I wanted to check your availability the week of April 15th to discuss plans.我聯系你是關于我們合作伙伴項目的下一次季度更新會議。我想確認你在4月15日那周是否有空討論計劃。

As this is our first correspondence, I wanted to introduce myself and let you know why I'm reaching out. I handle marketing for Acme Company and wanted to explore potential collaborations.由于這是我們的第一封通信,我想自我介紹并告訴你我為什么聯系你。我在Acme公司負責市場營銷,想探索潛在的合作機會。




I just got your request for... 我剛剛收到了你的請求...

I just read your email about... 我剛剛閱讀了你關于...的郵件

As we discussed, I would like to send you... 正如我們討論的那樣,我想發送給你...

Thank you for your email about.. 感謝你關于...的郵件

Thanks for your email this morning/ yesterday/ on Wednesday /last month... 謝謝你今天早上/昨天/上周三/上個月發來的郵件...

Thanks for your feedback on/your invitation/ your suggestion 感謝你的反饋/邀請/建議

Thanks for sending/ asking about/ attending 感謝你發送/詢問/參加

Thanks for your quick reply. 感謝你的快速回復。

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. 感謝你這么快就回復我。

Thank you for reaching out (to me) 感謝你聯系我(給我發郵件)

Thank you for your email earlier today about rescheduling our meeting. I completely understand needing to push it back a few days due to your busy schedule this week. Please let me know some dates next week that could work for you. 感謝你今天早些時候關于重新安排我們會議的郵件。我完全理解由于你這周繁忙的日程需要將會議推遲幾天。請告訴我下周可以工作的日期。

Thanks for sending the draft presentation for our upcoming webinar. I'll review it today and get back to you with any initial comments or feedback by end of day tomorrow. Looking forward to finalizing the content together. 感謝你發送了我們即將舉行的網絡研討會的演示文稿草案。我會在今天審查它,并在明天結束前給你回復任何初步的評論或反饋。期待一起完成內容。

I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly regarding the proposal I sent over. Let's set up a call tomorrow to discuss your questions and see if we can get aligned on the scope of work. 我感謝你這么快就回復了我關于提案的問題。讓我們明天安排一個電話會議,討論你的問題,看看我們是否能在工作范圍上達成一致。


Sorry for my late reply.對不起,我回復晚了。

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.抱歉花了這么長時間才回復你。

I apologize for the late response.我為遲來的回復道歉。

Sorry it's been so long since my last email.對不起,自從我上次發郵件以來已經過了這么久。

I was sorry to hear about...我很抱歉聽到關于...的消息。

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.請接受我們對于給您帶來的任何不便的歉意。

I want to apologize for my late response to your RFP request. It was an oversight on my part, and I should have acknowledged receipt earlier. Please let me know if it is not too late for us to still submit a proposal for your consideration.我想為我對你的RFP請求的遲來回復道歉。這是我的疏忽,我應該更早確認收到。請讓我知道是否還來得及提交提案供您考慮。

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you after our meeting last week. It's been a very hectic few days at our office preparing for our product launch. I'm finally catching up on emails and want to follow up on your feedback from our discussion.對不起,上周會議后花了這么長時間才回復你。我們辦公室最近幾天非常忙碌,準備產品發布。現在我終于趕上了郵件,想跟進一下我們討論中的你的反饋。


I've attache...我附上了...

Please find [file] attached.請查看附件中的[文件]。

I'm enclosing [file].我附上了[文件]。

Please see the information below for more details about..請查看以下信息,了解關于...的更多細節。

The parts in bold/in red/in blue are my comments/are the changes we made.粗體/紅色/藍色部分是我的評論/我們所做的更改。

Here's the document that you asked for.這是您要求的文檔。

I've attached [file] for your review.我附上了[文件]供您審閱。

I'm sending you [file] as a pdf file.我將[文件]作為PDF文件發送給您。

The attached file contains...附件中的文件包含...

Could you please sign the attached form and send it back to us by [date]?請您在[日期]之前簽署附件中的表格并將其發送回給我們好嗎?

Here's the [ document] we discussed.這是我們討論過的[文檔]。

[file] is attached.[文件]已附。

Please take a look at the attached file.請查看附件中的文件。

Take a look at the [file] I've attached to this email.請查看我在此電子郵件中附加的[文件]。

I've attached [file]我附上了 [file]

More information is available at www. website.com.  更多信息可在www.website.com上找到。

Please note that...請注意...

Attached please find the document we discussed, with the changes highlighted in red per your request. Please review at your earliest convenience and let me know if you would like us to modify anything further.附件中是我根據您的要求修改后的文檔,其中的變化以紅色突出顯示。請盡快查閱并告知是否需要進一步修改。

I've attached the sales contract for the order we finalized yesterday. Could you please sign and return the contract by end of week? Let me know if you have any other questions!我附上了昨天最終確定的訂單的銷售合同。請您在本周結束前簽署并返回合同。如果您有任何其他問題,請告訴我!

In the attached report, pay special attention to the data on page 5 showing usage trends over the past year. This will be crucial to making decisions about our platform expansion. Let's discuss your thoughts on the numbers.在附件的報告中,請特別注意第5頁顯示的過去一年的使用趨勢數據。這對于我們決定平臺擴展至關重要。讓我們討論一下您對這些數字的想法。


Could you please...? 能不能請你...

Could you possibly tell me...? 你能不能告訴我...

Can you please fill out this form? 請填寫這個表格好嗎?

I'd really appreciate it if you could... 如果你能夠...我會非常感激。

I'd be very grateful if you could... 如果你能夠...我將非常感激。

It would be very helpful if you could send us/me... 如果你能夠給我們/我發送...將非常有幫助。

I was wondering if you could/if you would be able to... 我想知道你是否能夠...

If possible, I'd like to know (more) about... 如果可能的話,我想了解更多關于...

Please find my two main questions below. 請在下方找到我的兩個主要問題。

I was wondering if you could provide us with an updated product roadmap by the end of next week? Having a sense of your planned releases will help us structure our marketing calendar. 我想知道你是否能在下周末之前提供我們一份更新的產品路線圖?了解你們計劃發布的內容將有助于我們制定營銷日程安排。

If possible, I'd like to learn more about any new capabilities you are developing for your customer portal. Any details you can share would help us prepare future training materials for users. 如果可能的話,我想了解一下你們正在為客戶門戶開發的任何新功能。你能提供的任何細節將有助于我們為用戶準備未來的培訓材料。

Could you please send over the outstanding invoices from last month's events by Monday? I need to have them in hand to finalize the quarterly budget review with our executive team. 請在周一之前寄送上個月活動的未結清發票好嗎?我需要它們來與我們的高管團隊最終確定季度預算審查。


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